Wars and uprisings have shaken the region repeatedly since 1948. Germany is endeavouring to find a peaceful solution to the conflict and advocates a two-state solution. In September 2011 the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas submitted an application to the United Nations for the recognition of a Palestinian state within the borders that stood in 1967. In November 2012 the UN General Assembly voted to upgrade the status of the Palestinian territories to that of a ‘non-member observer state’. This once again focused international attention on the conflict in the region, but there are still no signs that a solution is within reach.
The long-standing cooperation with GIZ at all levels means that we are appreciated as a reliable partner. The targeted combination of international expertise and national know-how benefits ministries, private and public institutions and civil society organisations.
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), we operate in four priority areas:
Water and sanitation
Economic reform, employment and the labour market
Institution building and civil society
Civil Peace Service
GIZ is implementing measures in the priority area of security, peace building and reconstruction on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office.