Children with Autism and learning Disabilities Society- CALDS | Yellow Pages
Children with Autism and learning Disabilities Society- CALDS

About Us

The Association for the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children and Learning Disabilities / Tulkarm is a non-profit charitable organization whose social / academic / health sector is concerned with children of autism and children with disabilities. It was established in 2009 and has been licensed by the Ministry of Interior under the number SQT-9233- The Association aims to promote this group, children of autism and children with disabilities in the areas of care, rehabilitation and development of their skills as well as training to achieve the principle of preservation and social justice in basic rights and their integration into the Palestinian society.


Towards a globally advanced level in the care and integration of autistic children Children with Disabilities in Palestine / Tulkarm Governorate and its area of ​​work.

Message of the Society

A non-profit, non-profit organization that seeks to provide unique services to autistic children and children with disabilities in Palestine / Tulkarem governorate and its area of ​​operation.

Institutional values:

Accountability and transparency, excellence and creativity, team spirit and effectiveness, equality and credibility, mutual respect, quality and quality, participation.

Philosophy of the Society:

The Society's philosophy is based on the principle of preserving the basic rights of Autistic Children with Disabilities, and this comes only through support, material and moral, education, community awareness, communication and communication about children of autism and children with disabilities in order to achieve all their legitimate rights.

The organization's goals:

1 - service and care and rehabilitation of children with autism and children with disabilities

2. Work on the establishment of specialized centers under the auspices of children of autism and children with disabilities

3. Maintaining and defending the basic rights of children with autism and children with disabilities.

4 - To establish productive projects with autistic children and children with disabilities.

5 - Work on the training and operation of competencies for the care of children with autism and children with disabilities.

6. Conduct field studies and social surveys for children of autism and children with disabilities and collect and classify the necessary information to provide economic assistance if possible.

7 - open prospects for dealing and cooperation with local and international charities to develop the work of the association.

8. Develop plans and programs to achieve the principle of full integration of children of autism and children with disabilities into society and work towards their implementation.

9 - Work to raise awareness of the local community and ways to deal with children of autism and children with disabilities and their integration into the community through visits to institutions, schools and universities.

This is a brief picture of the Association for the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children and the difficulties of learning, which were drawn up by the lofty humanitarian goals and the firm determination to reach them, and thus the achievements on the ground of reality that care and serve this group in the Palestinian society.