Film screening: El día de la Virgen | عرض فيلم يوم العذراء | Yellow Pages
Film screening: El día de la Virgen | عرض فيلم يوم العذراء
  • Date
    19 Nov - 07 Nov
  • Hour
    10:36 - 19:30
  • Address
    مركز خليل السكاكيني الثقافي, Ramallah, Ramallah & Al-Bireh
  • Views

* English follows

يدعوكم مركز خليل السكاكيني الثقافي لحضور الفيلم الفرنسي القصير "يوم العذراء" وذلك يوم الأربعاء 7.11.2018 الساعة 6:00 مساءً متبوعاً بنقاش في مركز خليل السكاكيني.

عن الفيلم :
سارة تتكلم الفرنسية، تسكن في مدينة حيث اغلبية الناس يتكلمون الإسبانية. بعد اعمال الشغب العنصرية، قررت الحكومة تقسيم المدينة إلى ثلاثة مناطق و الفصل بينهم بجدار. تزوجت سارة من شخص يتكلم الإسبانية، ووجدت نفسها قد إنفصلت عن أخيها بسبب الجدار.

سيتم عرض الفيلم باللغة الفرنسية مع ترجمة باللغة العربية.

تذاكر 10 شيقل (تذهب لدعم أنشطة المركز الثقافية)


Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center invites you to attend the film screening of the short movie "El día de la Virgen" on Wednesday, 7.11.2018 at 6:00pm followed by a discussion at the KSCC.

El día de la Virgen

Sarah, French-speaker, lives in a city where the majority of the inhabitants are Spanish-speakers. Due to ethnic riots, the government has decided to divide the city into three zones and to limit them by a wall. Married with a Spanish-speaker, Sarah lives in Zone A and is thus separated from her brother who lives in zone C.

Louise Heem is a Flemish French actress, scriptwriter and director. Former language teacher and protection officer in charge of asylum requests, she began her career in theatre in 2007 and in cinema in 2011.
Interpreter in French, English, Spanish and Italian, she has traveled in 50 countries, volunteered in refugee camps, and learns Palestinian and Moroccan dialects.
She has acted in international productions in France, Germany, Iran and Palestine (Eyes of a Thief, Najwa Najjar. Love, Theft and other Entanglements, Muayad Alayan. Son of an important Man, Najwa Najjar).

In 2016, she produced El día de la virgen, her first short fiction as a director and scriptwriter where she plays Sarah, the main character.

El día de la virgen was premiered at Gaza Red Carpet film festival in 2016 and screened in 19 countries. It was rewarded in 4 festivals. It was also selected by the Global Migration Film Festival organized by the United Nations Migration Agency to be screened all over the world in November and December 2018.
In 2018, Juan, her first full-length documentary shot in France and Paraguay is in post-production.

The film will be screened in original version with Arabic subtitles.

Tickets 10 NIS (goes to support the activities of the Center).