Palestine Open Debate Championships 2018 | Yellow Pages
Palestine Open Debate Championships 2018
  • Date
    31 Aug - 01 Sep
  • Hour
    08:00 - 17:00
  • Address
    جامعة النجاح الوطنية, Nablus, Nablus
  • Views

We are proud to announce that the An Najah University Debate Society (NNUDS) will host the second annual International Palestine Open Debate Championships 2018! The tournament will be held at An Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine Friday August 31- Saturday September 1st.

Basic Info
This year we have expanded our tournament to 5 rounds with a break to semis. There will be a team cap of 40 with an N-1 judge requirement. There will be a title of overall champion and Palestinian champion in the event a Palestinian team does not win.

New Highlights
In addition, we are excited to lead an optional, but highly encouraged 2 days of pre-tournament tourism and one day of training to get internationals better aquatinted with Palestinian culture, history, tradition and the debate community (Tuesday August 28th- Thursday August 30th). More details to come!

The tournament is being co-organized by Alia Gilbrecht (NNUDS Director) and Mariel Golden (NNUDS Coach)

Mariel will serve as an internal CA but we are looking for two additional international Chief Adjudicators and one Palestinian Chief Adjudicator. We are currently working on securing funding to help with flights for CAs and judges. Application Links are posted below. Deadline to Apply for CAs is Sunday June 3rd.

Registration Information

Registration for International Teams will be 100 USD
Registration for International Judges is 50 USD
Registration for Palestinian Teams and Judges will be free this year.
International Observer Registration 100 USD


Pre Tournament Tourism and Training Schedule
Tuesday: Tours and Cultural Activites (details TBA)

Wednesday: Tours and Cultural Activities (details TBA)

Thursday: Pre Tournament Training and Evening Welcome Dinner and Opening Ceremony

Training 12-4pm

Welcome Dinner and Opening Ceremony 6pm

Tournament Schedule

Tournament Friday August 31st- Saturday September 1st

Registration 8am

Roll Call and Briefings 8:30am

Round 1 9am

Round 2 11am

Lunch: 1pm

Round 3 2pm

Round 4 4pm

Roll Call 8:30am

Round 5 9 am

Semis 11 am

Lunch 12:00pm

Finals 1pm

Awards 2:30pm


Palestinian Team Registration:

International Team registration:

Judge Application:

Co - Chief Adjudicators Application
