اجعل طلتك مشرقة وبهية | Yellow Pages
اجعل طلتك مشرقة وبهية
  • Date
    18 - Dec 2018
  • Hour
    17:30 - 19:30
  • Address
    قاعة السينما، كيو سنتر، مدينة روبي, Rawabi, Ramallah & Al-Bireh
  • Views

إختيار ملابسنا اليومية والرسمية ليس بالأمر الهين على بعضنا.. فالوقوع في حيرة بأي قطع الملابس تتلائم لشكل أجسادنا، وأيها أنسب للون بشرتنا، يدفعنا لسؤال أحدهم والتأكد إن كانت طلتنا بهية وجميلة في ذلك اليوم.
فلإيجاد اسلوبك الخاص بالملابس، ومعرفة أيها يلائمك، ندعوكم لحضور ورشة عمل باللغة الانجليزية، للذكور والإناث، بعنوان "Wear.. What? How?"
التي تعدها أيغا شوتكا وذلك يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 18/12/2018، الساعة 17:30-19:30 في قاعة السينما، كيو سنتر، مدينة روابي.

Description of the Styling workshop:
The Styling workshop will provide you with knowledge and tools of fashion styling to find your style, to enhance your image and achieve your personal or professional goals. In the two hour Styling workshop you are going to learn about Style Personalities, identify women and men body shapes and apply body shape solutions as well as implement basic colour analysis.

Aiga Šutka bio:
Aiga Šutka is a Senior Brand Trainer in Learning & Development department in fashion industry and is styling clients as part of her business “Sneakers and Styling”. Ms. Šutka gained knowledge about fashion styling in Milan, Italy and she recently joined the Kelly Lundberg`s Styling Academy in Dubai.

In her career spanning over 15 years in Retail, Learning and Development department, combining that with her Institute of Leadership & Management coaching certification and City & Guilds Level 3 IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training and Assessing Learning. Ms. Šutka has coached thousands of women and men find their style, whether selecting their right fit of jeans, choosing the right fabrics or advising on suitable colours.

Ms. Šutka is passionate about helping people to find comfort, style and enhance their personal or professional goals. She wants to inspire and help YOU to maximize and unlock full potential, revealing real YOU.