Livestock Production & Management Specialist | يلو بيجز
  • تاريخ الانتهاء
  • الفئة
    مجالات متنوعة
  • المدينة
    , بيت لحم, بيت لحم
  • مشاهدة
  • فئة العمل
    متوسط الخبرة


The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) is a national Palestinian organization with a vision “Towards A Sustainable Palestine” is going to implement a project “Strengthening Resilience Amongst Vulnerable Bedouin and other Herding Communities” in partnership with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) funded by BMZ. The project aims at improving the livelihood and natural resources security of 2,510 Palestinian livestock breeders and their families in the Bedouins and other herding communities in Area C of the West Bank, prioritizing Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates. The project objectives will be achieved through assisting the herders towards behavior change conceptual framework, applying improved livestock production practices, increasing their knowledge in better feeding practices, improving livestock shelter practices, and improving dairy production techniques. In addition to assist them in improving their land use planning and practices through practicing pilots for land use innovations and increasing their rainwater harvesting and storage practices for irrigation and watering livestock as well.

Job Description and Qualifications

ARIJ is seeking to hire a full time Livestock Production and Management Specialist (on project basis) for 41 months. In this position, the employed person will be responsible for implementing all project devoted activities that are going to help in increasing the productivity and profitability of the targeted herding families and communities in a sustainable and efficient ways. The employee field work will be mainly in Bethlehem and Hebron Governorates and the office work will be at ARIJ office in Bethlehem.