مطعم غرناطة الفعاليات | يلو بيجز
مطعم غرناطة


Jazzy Hip-hop Night

Join us for a House Music jazzy hip-hop night. Wiz Odeh is going to play some music on the corner Bring your hip-hop fans and let us have fun Reservation Needed before your coming Tickets : 15 ILS 022819472

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Oud Night - ليلة عود

Granada Restaurant and Bar featuring Medo kahla for an amazing Oud tarab night Reservation Needed يستضيف غرناطة عازف العود محمد كحلة في ليلة طربية على اوتار العود الحجز للمجموعات فقط 022819472 0597971254 Tickets 25 ILS include one small draft التذكرة 25 شيقل شامل واحد بيرة صغير

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Walking Tour in Birzeit

Walking for leisure is the one activity that is probably the least associated with the West Bank. We, at Granada, offer you a tour designed to cover major sites in Birzeit Town. It exposes you to the soul of Birzeit and the region. Discover a lot of the village’s history, political situation, cultur...

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Acoustic Guitar/Rap Night with Jeries & Silwadi

Granada Restaurant & Bar featuring Jeries Babish - Guitar Player & Mohammad Silwadi Rapper From East Jerusalem - Saialid Band . Reservation Needed 25 ILS + One small shepherds beer 022819472 0597971254

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Oud Night with Zaki & Medo

Granada Restaurant & Bar featuring Zaki & Medo for an alternative Oud night . Reservation on 022819472 0597971254

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Real Madrid vs Liverpool - Final Match

Free entry + Free beer Final Match Liver Pool vs Real Madrid reservation needed on 022819472 0597971254

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Classical Oud Night - ليلة عود كلاسيكية مزدوجة

Long time we haven't invited Oud players ... Granada Restaurant & Bar featuring two talented Oud Players Zaki & Medo to play some Arabic Music for us reservation needed ... 022819472 0597971254 الرجاء الحجز سلفا قبل المجيء

منذ 6 سنوات


LatinoAmericanos With Raffoul & Danielle.

Granada Restaurant & Bar featuring the talented musicians Raffoul on Classic Guitar & Danielle on her flute Fees : 25 ILS + one beer reservation needed 022819472 0597971254

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